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What is Your Succession Plan?

What is Your Succession Plan?  If you are like many of your fellow advisors, the idea of a succession plan is probably as far as you have gotten. For our more ambitious peers, there may even be a plan in place. In an article published by Think Advisor earlier this week (story link here), the news […]

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Two Years Post-Transition

Two Years Post-Transition: A Look Back and a Bright Future Ahead  Not long ago, I was conducting a call to one of our advisors who had just passed the two-year mark since affiliating with Dynamic. I have conversations like this throughout the year, but this most recent conversation struck me as one worth sharing. In […]

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Honoring an Industry Legend

Honoring an Industry Legend Normally this post is designed to share some industry insight or practice management guidance, but given the passing of industry legend, John “Jack” Bogle on January 16, we at Dynamic, thought it appropriate to use this week’s post to reflect on Mr. Bogle’s impact on the investment industry, and on some […]

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Senior Finances Worse in Retirement

MORE THAN 1/3 OF SENIORS SAY THEIR FINANCES ARE WORSE IN RETIREMENT A Harris Poll[i] commissioned by Transamerica Center for Retirement Studies® (TCRS) found that today’s retirees are living a precarious existence. January 17, 2019 (Dynamic Wealth Advisors) A recent Harris poll shows that today’s retirees are living a financially precarious existence. How did this happen? Some […]

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A Different Kind of TAMP

A Different Kind of TAMP  The term “TAMP” is fairly well known among the investment advisory industry. For those not as familiar, TAMP means, Turnkey Asset Management Program. According to Investopedia, “TAMPs let professionals delegate asset management responsibilities to someone else who specializes in it.” In addition, “TAMPs also handle account administration, billing and reporting.” Now, […]

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A Tale of Two Breakaways

A TALE OF TWO BREAKAWAYS One Successful, and One a Cautionary Tale One advisor lost 30% of his book. What can you do to avoid that outcome? Independent RIAs are the fastest growing segment of the financial services industry according to the Cerulli Associates RIA Marketplace report[i]. “While the wire-house assets are shrinking 1.9% per […]


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